Age Movements

An “Age movement” is a request for a player to play on a higher-age team.

All age movement requests must be completed in the Portal at the time of registration no later than September 4th, 2024. You will be notified of the decision in writing. The committee’s decision is final.

You may request a downward age movement due to a child’s mental or physical disabilities however these are accepted only in rare cases and must be accompanied by a Physician’s recommendation.   Letters from physicians must support these requests. This request must be submitted to no later than September 4, 2024.

The committee’s decision is final.

Special Requests

While EMSA South allows you to make special requests on your registration form (up to September 4th, 2024), remember that it is simply not possible to accommodate all requests. While we will do what we can to grant requests, there are absolutely no guarantees of requests for player placement being met.