EMSA Rules & Regulations v2023-2024
Indoor Rules:
- U5 Indoor Laws
- U7 Mini Rules Regs Indoor 2022 2023
- U9 and U11 Community Rule Modifications
- Rules of Inside Soccer 2024-25
- U9 and U11 NON Boarded Rule Modifications
- U13 – U19 NON Boarded Rule Modifications
- EMSA Policy – Visual Recording
- Outdoor Rules:
- FIFA Laws of the Game
- U4 U5 Rules Outdoor 2023
- Modified Laws for U7 2023
- U9 7 v 7 Rules and Regulations 2023 Outdoor
- U11 – 8 v 8 Rules and Regulations 2023 Outdoor
- U9 and U11 Scores and Standings (Mercy rule) Game scores and standings will be kept.
Mercy Rule will be in effect. No more than a 5 goal spread. For example, if a team wins 12-3 the score will be inputted 8-3 online and on the scoreboard. The referees will indicate the mercy rule score on the game sheets and that is the score that needs to be inputted on the EMSA Mill Woods website. For teams that have schedules with seeding rounds, the seeding will be based on the mercy rule game score, not the actual game scores.
Sideline Placement for Teams and Spectators
Automatic RainOutProcedures-MiniU4_U7
Referee abuse and harassment by spectators, players or coaches will NOT be tolerated!
Game officials (i.e., Referees) are critical to the sport of soccer and without them there would be no game. Please treat them with respect and recognize that they too are learning and improving with experience. Anyone found guilty of harassing game officials will be disciplined and may be barred from games.
Enjoy this funny video!