Please refer to the City of Edmonton website for all current maps. If you are playing in an EMSA South community fields are typically in the South East category:
Training Mayokumin – St. Richards Outdoor 2020
Ardrossan Soccer Field (Fultonvale, Ardrossan, Tofield and Uncas)
Attention Coaches and Managers: RE MILLENIUM PLACE FIELDS
These fields will be open 15 to 30 minutes prior to the actual booking – no sooner. Please do not try to get on the field prior to this allotted time window.
Leduc – William F Lede Park map
Camrose, Lacombe, Red Deer, Fort Saskatchewan, Ardrossan, Sturgeon field directions
Spruce Grove – Fuhr Park – Formally WDP (West District Park) – located outside of the Tri Leisure Centre on Campsite Road
Spruce Grove – All other fields – please contact EMSA office for map/directions/address AngelaD@emsamain.com .
Stony Plain – Westerra Fields: From Edmonton take Hwy 16A. Turn left at the lights at Safeway (Golf Course Road). Follow up to cross 79th Ave. Memorial Composite High School is on your right hand side. Please note if you Google the school you will get the old address on 55th ave and this is not correct. The school is new this year and just opened.
Rain-Out Line
City of Edmonton (updated at 4 pm): 780-496-4999 ext. 1 or City of Edmonton Website (Field Conditions)
Below is a list of field closure lines. These are the numbers in which coaches and parents should call to find out if the field their game is scheduled on has been closed due to the weather. These lines are typically updated by 4:00pm daily.
If the fields are open and the city (and surrounding areas) is experiencing severe weather, teams are still required to attend their games. It is up to the discretion of the referee to call the game based on the EMSA Lightning Safety & Severe Weather Policy.
Field Closure Lines:
City of Edmonton: 780.496.4999 ext. 1
EMSA South Complex at Ivor Dent Park: 780.490.5789
EMSA West Complex: 780.490.5789
Spruce Grove: 780.962.7602
ESA Complex North (aka Henry Singer): 780.443.6016
Sherwood Park: 780.467.5800
St. Albert City Fields: 780.459.1568
St. Albert RIEL Fields: 780.458.8973 ext. 1
Stony Plain: 780.963.8607
Fort Saskatchewan: 780.992.6250
Ardrossan: 780.467.5800
John Maland Field in Devon 780.983.3822
City of Leduc (Lede/Elks/Christ the King): Click Here
MW Field Locations
3020-37 St
Crawford Plains
4210-12 Ave
Daly Grove
1888-37 St
Dan Knott
80 St-14Ave
Edith Rogers
8308 Mill Woods Rd E
1395 Knottwood Rd E
Frere Antoine
2850 Mill Woods Rd E
Ellerslie Park
83 St & 6 Ave (SW)
Ellerslie Sports Field
66 St & Ellerslie Rd (SW)
Grace Martin
8210-36 Ave
5904-38 Ave
355 Woodvale Rd E
Holy Family
1710 Mill Woods Rd E
Jackson Heights
Jackson Rd-44Ave
John Paul I
5675-38 Ave
Julia Kiniski
4304-41 Ave
Kate Chegwin
3119-48 St
Lee Ridge
440 Millbourne Rd E
Malcolm Tweddle
76 Street-38 Avenue
Mary Hanley
3330-37 St
933 Knottwood Rd S
5703-19A Ave
1850 Lakewood Rd E
Michaels Park MM Fields
42 Avenue – Millbourne Rd E
Mill Woods Campus
71 St-23 Ave
3615 Mill Woods Rd E
Pollard Meadows
1751-48 St
5730-11A Ave
8515-17 Ave
Silver Berry East West
Silver Berry Road & 28 Ave NW
St. Clement
7620 Mill Woods Rd S
St. Hilda
7630-38 Ave
St. Kateri
38 St–41 Ave
St. Richards
57 Street – 19A Avenue
Summerside West
Summerside Dr. & Spence Wynd (SW)
T.D. Baker
1750 Mill Woods Rd E
1200 Lakewood Rd N
Velma E Baker
2845-43A Ave
WP Wagner
80 St-61 Ave
2911-48 St